Are you a “MOMGuyver”?

by Kim


So for those of you who remember the 1980’s (and sadly I do) you might remember a TV show called MacGyver.

In simplest terms MacGyver was a secret agent who would fight the “bad guys” using plain, everyday items.  For example, he’d make a gun using a pencil, a rubber band, and his shoelace.  Or he make a bomb to break down a door by using gum, a paper clip, and a can of soda… you get the picture, TOTALLY unrealistic, but he got the “bad guy” and saved the day, EVERY TIME!

Anyway,  the other day as I was packing up my bag to go to my son’s soccer practice, I realized that I myself am MacGyver…a “MOMGyver”!   No, not that I am exactly fighting off “bad guys”, BUT I am fully prepared to SAVE the day when needed. ( And most days I do!)

For example: I have band aids available for any cut, scrape, or gash that might occur, BUT did you know that very same band-air could be used as tape for when our team soccer sign starts to fall apart? (In case you were wondering stickers do the job nicely too; and YES I have those in my bag as well!)

And it’s not just for soccer days. I always wear hair ties around my wrist (at least two, if not more) But did you know that a hair tie can be used as a belt? Over the summer when my son had an accident and I had to buy him a pair of shorts on the spot (not that I didn’t have an extra pair on me, but we had already used those) the only shorts I could find were a size too big. SO, I gathered the extra material into a little nub, tied it up with my hair tie, and viola a perfect belt!

But in reality, I’m so much more than just a “MOMGyver” (though I’m truly digging my new cool title).

On a good day I’m:

  • Part super hero, with psychic abilities (how many times can you answer this questions without even letting them finish their sentence — “Mom have you seen my  “INSERT OBJECT HERE”?)
  • Part Boy Scout (Isn’t their motto always be prepared?  Need a change of clothes, not to worry, I’ve got ‘ya covered! Extra Socks? YUP, got those too!)
  • Part Let’s Make a Deal contestant (Hey you never know when someone is going to walk up to you and say “I’ll give you a $100 if you pull a Mickey Mouse toy camera out of your bag” – no to worry, I’ve got that too)
  • AND part Mary Poppins (remember when she pulled a lamp out of her bag?! You should see some of the things I pull out of my bag, even before my kids ask for it!)


So until I can come up with some  trendy acronym that will go “viral” and all moms will want to use, you can just call me a Super MOMGuyver”-scout-poppins!  Yeah, that will do for now!!