16 Things To Do in 2016

by Sara and Kim

It’s a new year and were back! And just like everyone else in the world, we’re thinking resolutions. But instead of the traditional resolutions, you know lose weight, be a better person, etc… we’re tackling a new year by coming up with 16 Things (8 for each of us) that we want to do in 2016. Things we can hopefully make a bigger impact in our lives and last more than just the month of January!

1. Get back to writing. Somewhere in the past year we both let our one true love of writing fall by the waste side – that will not happen again! Like we said, WE ARE BACK!

2. Establish a “No Tech Zone” for at least 1 hour per week. No TV, no iPad, no XBox – instead use the hour for reading, crafting, real playing, etc.

3. Cook more. I’ve read a million studies to know just how important the “family diner” is; And I’ve even seen first hand the true benefits. Every time we sit as a family, my kids are the first to say “so how was your day?” – that conversation starts with the food!

4. Be more charitable, but not just in the “traditional” sense. More along the lines of “paying it forward” like picking up the bill for the person behind me on line at the Dunkin Donuts drive through.

5. Get another 5K under my belt. Ok, ok, I know we said non-traditional resolutions, but this is not just about being healthy. For me it’s about holding on to that amazing feeling that I get when I cross the finish line… I swear they should find a way to bottle it!!!!

6. Spend more quality time with my husband and less time in two different rooms of our house watching two different shows.

7. Spend less money on “things” for my family and more time on creating and making memories with them.

8. And when I do finally get in a manicure or pedicure, choose the most loud, vibrant and obnoxious colors. Hey what’s that saying: “Make a statement without ever saying a word!” YUP, I’m in!

to do list

9. Read 10 books. I just never have time to actually read a book. But thanks to Goodreads, they are motivating me with their GoodReads Challenge).

10. Do a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Why can’t grow-ups have games too! A perfect activity for a snow-day and a great way to get the whole family off devices and doing something together.

11. Get a perm (why not). Well there are many reason’s why not to do this, but I may just have to give it a try and do something different and be totally OK with it. Wish me luck!

12. Learn to be more Mindful. This is a MUST DO and something I have been talking about for a while now, but I am committed to learning the skills and practicing the mindset to improve my stress. I am starting this weekend by attending a well-being conference hosted by New York Times best-selling authors Kris Carr & Gabrielle Bernstein.

13. Be more adventurous.  Maybe I will attempt to try things I haven’t done before such as hiking or boating with the kids.

14. Put down the phone when with my kids.  While I usually have my phone attached to my hip at all times, I am making a conscious effort to put the phone away during dinner, bath time and bedtime.  Anyone trying to reach me will have to wait!

15. Institute family reading hour on a Sunday so kids get to see us READ a book.  I keep reading articles about the impact that we as parents have on our kids in regards to being positive reading role models. So time to get out the actual paper books and all “see each other”reading.

16. Visit Savannah, GA or Charleston, NC — they are both on my bucket list and I am not putting it off this year!

So now we’re asking, are you with us??   We would love to hear what is on your 2016 To-Do list.   Tweet and Share @trainmoms using #2016todo.

The Making of a Good Intern

By Sara

Over the years, I have seen many summer interns come and go, but the intern that left fresh baked cookies and a hand written note on this on my desk today will not be forgotten!


What was your best intern moment? Share @trainmoms #bestintern

10 Must-Have Apps for Moms

by Sara

Let’s face it, if there was app for putting our kids to bed, we would all be downloading it.  Apps truly help get us through our days — they remind us what to do, what to wear, where to be and what to know.  But with more than 1 million apps in the Apple app store, how do you know which apps to download?  We polled our Train Mom readers to get the scoop on must-have apps you can’t live without.


1. Dark Sky — This app will predict when it will rain or snow — down to the minute — at your exact location. ($3.99)

2. NYT Now — Now you don’t need to feel guilty if you don’t make it through to the entire paper everyday. The newest app from The New York Times is the best way to get caught up on the news. The app features the top stories handpicked and summarized by the Times’ editors. (free)

3. Beep Boop — A fun rewards system… kids get beeps for good behavior, and points get taken away with boops!  You can set goals, fill in your prizes and kids can even add their own pics. It totally works! (free)

4. UV Safe Timer – Avoid sunburns and guessing when to reapply sunscreen. This app provides a location-specific UV Index for anywhere in the world and adjusts for current weather like clouds to provide a more accurate real-time UV Index. An optional timer reminds users or parents when it is time to apply more sunscreen. (free)

5.GrooveBook — As seen on SharkTank, this cool app allows you have all your photos from your phone made into a photo album that is delivered to your door step. (free app/$2.99 a month)

6. Evernote — The app that will keep you forever organized. Keep notes, create lists, set reminders, and even save favorite web-pages. Best part is that your notes stay in sync across all your devices. (free)

7. Grocerytrip — This app extracts grocery items from recipes and creates an organized shopping list. You can even organize the list by grocery aisle. ($2.99)

8. Faces iMake — When it is time for kid “phone-time,” this is a great app that encourages kids to be creative by creating faces using pictures of every-day objects. Kids can share their creativity via email and social media as well as with other app users worldwide in a special gallery called FaceWorld. ($3.99)

9. Mom Maps — Find kid-friendly playgrounds, parks, restaurants, museums, and indoor play areas anywhere you are and shows parents’ favorites. ($2.99)

10. TaskRabbit — Don’t have time to run all your errands, or assemble IKEA furniture, or pick something up from a friend’s house? TaskRabbit will do it all for you. You say what you need, and task rabbit will find someone who is up for the task. (free — pay per service/hour)

Have any other must-have apps for moms? share with us @trainmoms using #momapps

SHOW us your #MommyJewelry!

by Kim

Ok all you mommies out there, it’s the DAY AFTER Mother’s Day, so we know you got it!  No, nothing with gold or with the kid’s birthstones on it,  not even the really pretty stuff that dad picked out.  

NO, we‘re talking about the macaroni necklaces, the overly beaded bracelets, the pipe cleaner ring that you swear if you even try to put on is definitely going to unravel and fall apart…otherwise and affectionately known  as #MommyJewelry.

Lots of our fellow mommy friends shared pictures of their #MommyJewelry, but there’s ALWAYS room for more, so share pictures of your Mother’s Day #MommyJewelry gifts with us!  And more importantly wear it with pride — one day we will long for these simple times and truly heart-felt gifts!
necklacebraceleterika saranecklacetwins
amy1         jenna   


A BIG THANK YOU TO: Jenna, age 5 — twins Jake & Tyler, age 3 — Jack, age 6 — Brooke, age 6 — Emily, age 5 — Bradley, age 5 & 1/2 — Cameron, age 5 — Olivia, age 4!

Spring Totes for Work

By Sara

Spring has arrived and I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to turn in my winter bags for a fun, easy-to-carry tote that can fit everything I need for work.  Here are some of my favs    #happyspring

Grace East/West Leather Tote Bag, Camel. shopbop.com. $595

B Brian Atwood Grace East/West Leather Tote Bag, Camel. shopbop.com. $595

Isabella Item Tote Lilac. annabelingall.com. $465

Isabella Item Tote Lilac. annabelingall.com. $465

Clare Vivier Poppy Nubuck Messenger Bag. needsupply.com $380

Clare Vivier Poppy Nubuck Messenger Bag.
needsupply.com $380

  The Holepunhc Tote, Madewell.com. $188 The Holepunch Transport Tote

The Holepunhc Tote, Madewell.com. $188

Goyward Tote.  Barneys. $1676

Goyard Tote. Barneys. $1676

Let’s Go To The CIRCUS!

by Kim



Thanks to FELD Entertainment & DiGennaro Communications, this train mom recently took a trip “under the BIG TOP” and got the chance to check out LEGENDS presented by Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus.

It’s been some time since I was at the circus and truth be told I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was excited at the thought of seeing it through my children’s eyes; knowing they would LOVE all of the circus animals, BUT I wasn’t sure they would enjoy the other parts of the “show“…Would it be too loud?  Would it be too overwhelming?  Would they be freaked out by the clowns?   (YES, I have one of “those” kids who is scared of characters, clowns, even the Ronald McDonald one!)  BUT BOY WAS I WRONG…AND further more, I’m really not sure who enjoyed it more, ME or THEM!

LEGENDS is a true extravaganza.  In talking to friends and family about it, I’ve honestly compared it to a Broadway show that is filled with music, singing, dancing, and somewhat of a story line too as it examines the “Legends” of the past: which include Unicorns, Wooly Mammoths, even a Pegasus.  (*Minor caveat, if you’ve ever tried explaining to a 3-year-old why that horse from the circus has wings and why we can’t ever see another one… be warned it’s quite PAINFUL!)

LEGENDS also has so many “traditional” things that the circus is known for as well: the Lion Tamer, the high-flying Acrobats, the “Globe of Steel” (in which 8 motorcycles ride in circles inside of a steel cage, which was SUPER COOL!), the colorful costumes, and the amazing circus animals: performing dogs, horses, and of course the legendary Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus Elephants.

My only negative would be to say that the show is long, but not in a bad way.  It’s fast-moving and you won’t even realize that you’ve been there for 3-hours! (You’ll be too busy smiling, cheering, laughing, and clapping!)  However, our show started at 7pm, we got there early around 6:30pm for the “pre-show”, and the night did not wrap up until after 930pm; SO needless-to-say my boys hit the car and passed out!  (Which is not necessarily a bad thing, just some advice in choosing the time of your show wisely.)

SO, “LADIES & GENTLEMEN, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES”  if you can, be sure to check out LEGENDS by Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!

The show is hitting the road this Spring with scheduled performances all across the country in:  Columbia, SC – Huntsville, AL – Norfolk, Fairfax & Hampton, VA –Youngstown & Cleveland, OH – Providence, RI – Hartford, CT – Trenton, NJ – Hershey, PA – Tulsa, OK – Colorado Springs, CO – Tucson & Phoenix, AZ – Las Vegas, NV – Los Angeles & Anaheim, CA – Atlanta & Duluth, GA – St. Louis, MO  – Nashville, TN – Raleigh, NC & Washington, DC.

My New Love: FaceTime


By Sara

There are some days I don’t see my kids at all. I leave for work before they wake up and I get home after they are asleep. It kills me. While I should be used to it by now, I am not. I still get that anxious, empty pit feeling in my stomach.

Today was one of those days. I ran out the door and sat on the train wondering if they were up and wishing I could have been there to see them, even if it is just for a minute. Then it occurred to me, I CAN see them.

When I got off the train, I stood in the middle of Grand Central Station and “Facetimed” my kids (via my babysitter). It was awesome. They were brushing their teeth and getting ready for school, and I was giving them a virtual tour of the train station — which in their eyes was super cool. And they were happy!

I reminded me that we are lucky to be surrounded by technologies that make our lives as working moms that much easier to be right there with our kids — to see what they are wearing, see their artwork, see what they are doing and most of all see their little smiles.

Thanks FaceTime for making my day that much better.

Top 10 Reasons We Are Excited About Spring

By Sara and Kim


We are SO over winter… seriously, is it EVER going to end?  Kim and I are very hopeful, in fact so hopeful that we have already started planning for those coat-less, warmer days.   Check out our list of the Top 10 Reasons We Are Excited About Spring:


1)     Finally a new wardrobe for the kids – and one that actually fits. Winter has been so long they have literally outgrown all their sweaters and turtlenecks.

2)     Getting rid of the snot rags and humidifiers.

3)     Trading in skis for scooters.

4)     Getting rid of the hats, coats, gloves, scarfs.  Now if I could just find all those missing gloves!!                              stella3

5)     Longer days… more outdoor play and new activities.

6)     Natures REAL Vitamin D.

7)     Summer is now only ONE season away.

8)     Bring on the color.  We are so sick of looking out at grey, brown and white backyards. We want to see green grass, tulips, daffodils and lilac.

9)     Does this mean our kids will finally be over watching “FROZEN” and signing “Do You Want to Build A Snowman” for the millionth time?                                     Stella2

10) Happy parents = happy kids

*photos featured are from Stella McCartney’s new spring line for kids.  So fun and fresh!  Check out the full collection here.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

by Kim

valentine's day!

Looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day idea for the kids to give their grandparents, their teachers, or just about anyone special in their lives?  Well, look no further! This 3D card is quick, simple, and doesn’t cost a lot either!

Here is your step by step “how to”:

  • Simply take a picture of your child holding his or her hand out.
  • Print out the picture, via your home computer OR the 1-hour photo at your local drug store.
  • Have your child make a paper flower, purchase a real flower,  OR as in the picture above buy a chocolate flower.
  • Cut a small hole in the arm where your child holding his or her hand out and insert the flower.

And voila’, there you have it, a 3D card that looks as if your kid is handing their “someone special” a flower!


What’s your personal playlist?

by Kim & Sara


Music.  It calms the soul, relaxes the mind, and more important, it helps tell a story.  (All music, not just country!)

You can honestly find a song to fit every occasion.  For example, when I was having a hard time getting pregnant, (read JOURNEY TO PARENTHOOD:  http://2momsonatrain.com/2013/02/26/journey-to-parenthood/) I would play the song BROKEN by Lifehouse .  And though I’m pretty sure it has NOTHING to do with trying to have a baby, and is more or less about a ‘broken’ relationship, it didn’t matter; it just seemed to fit and described everything I was feeling.“…And I am here still waiting. Though I still have my doubts. I am damaged at best. Like you’ve already figured out –I’m falling apart, I’m barely breathing…”

On a much lighter note, there are songs like Taylor Swift’s WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER; where the hell was that when I was 13 OR 16 (oh and maybe 20 too)?!  I can think of a few boys who broke my heart that I would have gladly belted that song out for!  “…You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, But we are never ever, ever, ever getting back together,  Like, ever…”

And now there’s the song BEST DAY OF MY LIFE by American Authors.  There’s just something about that song that makes me SO happy. I’ve had a particularly challenging few months; yet funny enough, whenever I’m feeling down, the song comes on, and instantly changes my mood. “…I’m never gonna look back, Woah, never gonna give it up, No, please don’t wake me now, This is gonna be the best day of my life, My li-i-i-i-i-ife…”

SO it got Sara & I thinking about our own GO TO songs for the different times in our lives…be it a HAPPY day, or a I’M FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF type of day.  It’s our personal playlist of sorts! SO, take a look at our list of songs below and let us know how your own music selection measures up.  We’d love to hear from you!  #WhatsURPersonalPlaylist?


WAKE ME UP by Avicii  (Sara)

                            BEST DAY OF MY LIFE by American Authors (Kim)


SAY SOMETHING by A Great Big World/Christina Aguilera (Sara) 



BEST I EVER HAD by Gavin Degraw (Sara)

BRAVE by Sara Bareilles (Kim)


TIMBER by Ke$ha & Pitbull (Sara)

U & Ur Hand by P!nk (Kim)