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Train Moms: Kim & Sara

All aboard…

We’re so happy you’ve come to check out  2 Moms On A Train and hope you’ll continue to  join us for the “ride”.

We just wanted to take a minute to tell you who we are, how we met and why this blog has been a labor of love for quite some time now.

We call ourselves “2 MOMS ON A TRAIN” because we both spend a LOT of time on commuter trains going to and from the office; about an hour and a half each way!  (Which equals 3 hours a day each — a combined 6 hours a day between us! )  But hey, where else can you get that much uninterrupted, NO kids, alone time?!  It’s the perfect place to write; which we both do, on blackberries, iPads, even a stray napkin or two that’s been found in our pocketbooks!

Sara: There is something called the mom connection… and you know it when you meet someone and you just click.  Kim and I met through work when we were single ladies living and building careers.  We both got married and then went on to have two children, only months apart of each other.  When we were both pregnant with our first child, we literally shared every phase, ache, cry, laugh together…hey we are still doing it, only now we want to share it all with you.   When the craziness of life takes over you, it is refreshing to know you have a special mom friend to help keep you sane.

As for me, I’m a mom working in NYC and living in the burbs (still in denial)!  I love the hustle and bustle of work, yet my most rewarding job is being mom to my two kids, Olivia and Jacob.  I love to shop, I  find myself spending countless hours on pinterest and houzz, I enjoy working out  but LOVE to eat (and can’t cook) .   I think the most important part of “doing it all” is making sure  you give yourself “ME” time!

Kim: Did you ever meet someone and just know you were going to be lifelong friends?  That’s exactly the way I felt the very first time I met Sara.  Our paths crossed because of our jobs, but our now 10-years + friendship has grown out of a similar struggle of becoming parents, our bumpy road in those first few months of being first time moms (and then again the second time around only 17 or so months later) and our constant quest to find the perfect balance of having it all!

As for me, I’m a mom with a demanding, full time ”gig” in NYC, but my favorite job is one of being mommy to my two little boys and often describe myself as “the queen among her princes.”  I love to write and look forward to sharing my silly stories,  my thoughts on life,  and hopefully a laugh or two!


AND we want to hear from YOU! Because whether you’re in the planning stages, are expecting a baby, a newbie or have a few years of parenting experience under your belt, the day you become a mom is life changing and one you will never forget. Connect with us to share your stories, mommy must have’s, or tips on how to balance it all.


AND EMAIL UStrainmoms@gmail.com

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