16 Things To Do in 2016

by Sara and Kim

It’s a new year and were back! And just like everyone else in the world, we’re thinking resolutions. But instead of the traditional resolutions, you know lose weight, be a better person, etc… we’re tackling a new year by coming up with 16 Things (8 for each of us) that we want to do in 2016. Things we can hopefully make a bigger impact in our lives and last more than just the month of January!

1. Get back to writing. Somewhere in the past year we both let our one true love of writing fall by the waste side – that will not happen again! Like we said, WE ARE BACK!

2. Establish a “No Tech Zone” for at least 1 hour per week. No TV, no iPad, no XBox – instead use the hour for reading, crafting, real playing, etc.

3. Cook more. I’ve read a million studies to know just how important the “family diner” is; And I’ve even seen first hand the true benefits. Every time we sit as a family, my kids are the first to say “so how was your day?” – that conversation starts with the food!

4. Be more charitable, but not just in the “traditional” sense. More along the lines of “paying it forward” like picking up the bill for the person behind me on line at the Dunkin Donuts drive through.

5. Get another 5K under my belt. Ok, ok, I know we said non-traditional resolutions, but this is not just about being healthy. For me it’s about holding on to that amazing feeling that I get when I cross the finish line… I swear they should find a way to bottle it!!!!

6. Spend more quality time with my husband and less time in two different rooms of our house watching two different shows.

7. Spend less money on “things” for my family and more time on creating and making memories with them.

8. And when I do finally get in a manicure or pedicure, choose the most loud, vibrant and obnoxious colors. Hey what’s that saying: “Make a statement without ever saying a word!” YUP, I’m in!

to do list

9. Read 10 books. I just never have time to actually read a book. But thanks to Goodreads, they are motivating me with their GoodReads Challenge).

10. Do a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Why can’t grow-ups have games too! A perfect activity for a snow-day and a great way to get the whole family off devices and doing something together.

11. Get a perm (why not). Well there are many reason’s why not to do this, but I may just have to give it a try and do something different and be totally OK with it. Wish me luck!

12. Learn to be more Mindful. This is a MUST DO and something I have been talking about for a while now, but I am committed to learning the skills and practicing the mindset to improve my stress. I am starting this weekend by attending a well-being conference hosted by New York Times best-selling authors Kris Carr & Gabrielle Bernstein.

13. Be more adventurous.  Maybe I will attempt to try things I haven’t done before such as hiking or boating with the kids.

14. Put down the phone when with my kids.  While I usually have my phone attached to my hip at all times, I am making a conscious effort to put the phone away during dinner, bath time and bedtime.  Anyone trying to reach me will have to wait!

15. Institute family reading hour on a Sunday so kids get to see us READ a book.  I keep reading articles about the impact that we as parents have on our kids in regards to being positive reading role models. So time to get out the actual paper books and all “see each other”reading.

16. Visit Savannah, GA or Charleston, NC — they are both on my bucket list and I am not putting it off this year!

So now we’re asking, are you with us??   We would love to hear what is on your 2016 To-Do list.   Tweet and Share @trainmoms using #2016todo.

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